Monday 18 July 2016

Quick View into the History of Himalayan Pink Salt:

Salt is an important element of the human body and is considered as a vital element of our food and daily cooking.  Salt is considered much important for human body. It is necessary for performing various human body functions. Salt is categorized into two main categories depending upon their effects on human body. Good salt and the bad salt. Good salt is the one which renders the least harm to the human body and is rich in minerals: bad salt is the one which is chemically processed and is devoid of all the mineral chemicals necessary for the human body. In search of god salt once I met a chef who used the pink salt in his recipes. When I inquired the reason of using the Himalayan salt, I was amazed  by its health  benefits and quality analysis which the chef presented to me in an answer with a comparison to the ordinary salt we use in our cooking practices.

History of Mineral Salt:

The important discussion with the chef made me look into more about the Himalayan pink salt and its benefits. While looking into its origin I came to know that the salt is extracted from the base of ancient Himalayan Mountain range in Pakistan. This huge mountain range remained hidden under the sea for nearly 250 million years. With the passage of time as the sea dried up due to enormous pressure and heat  large crystal of pink Himalayan salt were formed that remained safe from the pollutant and impurities. besides . being secured under the sea for a long time the salt is the purest sea salt devoid  of  all the chemical additives that effect the human health. The pure salt is mined by hands of the miners and masons and is transported to different regions and localities for different uses.

Uses of Himalayan salt:

The Himalayan pink salt is naturally pink in color. Having  lots of benefits for human health.  It has detoxifying capabilities besides it is found curing many of the skin diseases and other body ailments. 

Mineral rich compounds:

The Himalayan salt is the most mineral dense salt available on the planet earth it is found to have more than 84 health beneficial minerals.

Detoxifies Your Body:

Salt and water work together to detoxify the body from the toxic materials. Himalayan pink salt is more efficient of all the available salts to detox the body from the harmful materials. 

Lowers the Blood Pressure:

Himalayan pink salt is proven to stimulate the better blood circulation. Besides, it is also proven to lower the blood pressure dramatically at the same time it is absorbed in the blood streams more efficiently and effectively.

Banishes the Sinus Issues and the Respiratory Conditions:

It is found great in removing the bacteria from the sinus and improves the respiratory conditions, inhaling of the pink salt in inhaler gives instant relief to asthma patients.

Relax the Muscles and Your Mind:

If you are feeling fatigued, foggy or stressed, then there might be a deficiency of salt and electrolytes in your body. This salt has a unique mineral composition and that allows it to get absorbed into the blood stream much more quickly and effectively and will replenish the mineral deficiency making one fell relief in muscle cramps and nervous fatigue.

Cure Severe and Minor Skin Ailments :

The mineral-rich pink salt is highly anti-bacterial mineral salt.  The salt kills the bacteria and is found more healing in curing the skin fungi and other serious and minor skin ailments.


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