Wednesday 30 September 2015

Himalayan Pink Salt Nutrition Facts

You hear too much about the Himalayan pink salt – People say that it is the healthiest salt available on the earth. Why? Why is Himalayan pink salt vital for life and why it is claimed to be the healthiest available salt of the earth? The salt crystals that are mined from the mountains of Himalaya are perceived to be the king’s salt and there are the people that also call it as “white gold” or the “salt of life” because they think this salt has the strength and properties to ensure a healthy and active life.
When we are discussing the Himalayan pink salt, then you should understand that we are referring to only a single specific crystal salt, the one and only that is coming from the East Karakoram Range of the Himalayas located in Pakistan. This salt, because of its mineral dense nature and amazing health benefits is constantly a subject of the comprehensive medical research. If the salt is original Himalayan salt, then it would be more than sodium & chloride. If it is original, then it can be perceived as nourishment.
When we speak of pure salt and the way we scrutinize its properties, then we actually mean a salt only in its original state: wholesome, holistic, unaltered and natural salt as it has been crystallized in the earth for over 250 million years. Such salt should be perceived as an ocean of energy and according to a Roman writer, Plinius: The Himalayan salt is the most significant remedy for the mankind.

Difference between rock salt and Himalayan Crystal Salt:
The elements of the rock salt are not added into the crystal grid of salt, but they cling to the outside surface and the crevices of the crystalline structure. That is the basic difference between the rock salt and Himalayan crystal salt. A salt crystal will manifest the superior structure and because of its sublime form, the element will be biochemically available for the human cells as are the individual frequencies or the vibration patterns. The rock salt can be a cheap ion for the heavily processed table salt and you can call it a natural and wholesome product.
Biophysically and biochemically speaking, it will have only a little importance for our organism. The significant effects of the geometrical structure can only be received through the superior structure or order of the crystal and these elements can only be absorbed by our cells if they occur in an oral form. These elements will be transformed into a specific size, making them final, and enable them to pass through the cell walls in the human body only under the substantial pressure.

Why Himalayan Crystal Salt Got the Unique Health Benefits?
The pure and natural Himalayan salt is found under the enormous pressure of the great Himalayan Mountains for around 250 million years and because of that pressure, the salt is formed in the crystal form. The higher the pressure is the best the state of order will be within the crystalline structure. For humans, the salt is more than just a spice, but most people are unaware of this. The pink salt benefits are because of its natural state and the 84 minerals and bio-compounds that are found naturally in this salt. The importance of Himalayan salt can be recognized by keeping an eye on the elements of salt that exactly the same that the human body is comprised of.

Chemical content of Himalayan pink salt
There are exactly 84 minerals in the Himalayan salt that are:
lithium, hydrogen, boron, beryllium, nitrogen, carbon, fluoride, oxygen, magnesium, sodium, calcium, aluminium, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium, chloride, titanium, scandium, chromium, vanadium, iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, zinc, copper, germanium, gallium, selenium, arsenic, rubidium, bromine, yttrium, strontium, niobium, zirconium, ruthenium, molybdenum, palladium, rhodium, cadmium, silver, tin, indium, tellurium, antimony, caesium, iodine, lanthanum, barium, praseodymium, cerium, europium, samarium, terbium, gadolinium, holmium, dysprosium, thulium, erbium, lutetium, ytterbium, tantalum, hafnium, rhenium, tungsten, iridium, osmium, gold, platinum, thallium, mercury, bismuth, lead, astatine, polonium, radium, francium, thorium, actinium, uranium, protactinium, plutonium and neptunium.

Apart from the inert gases, all of the 84 minerals can be discovered from the Himalayan crystal salt. So, it is scientifically approved that the pink salt has got all the elements or minerals that are necessary and found in the human body. This salt is perceived to be holding all the natural elements that are needed for better human health.

From the Mountains of Himalaya to your kitchen!
The best supplier of the Himalayan crystal salt mines their salt from the deep down salt mines of the Himalayas. The purest and the almost transparent crystals with shades of pink looks like the uncut diamonds that are coming from a thin bottom layer of mine. 
The mining process of the Himalayan salt doesn’t involve the use of lesser compounds to ensure that salt will remain the same till it reaches the final consumer. The salt crystals that come in attractive pink colors are used to manufacture the ionizing salt lamps while the darker stones are used as the bathing salt. The salt stones are cut by the human hands in pieces of 20 to 60 grams each, and then they are washed in the brine and dried under the sun.

The Miracles of Pink Salt:
The original Himalayan salt is a real miracle and the science behind this salt offer great health benefits.
§       It has the highest mineral content with over 80 minerals and trace elements that are necessary to the overall  health and well-being.
§      It is pure and unpolluted without the environmental impact.
§       It can easily restore the alkaline and electrolyte balance of the body.
§     It is completely hand-mined with respect to nature, the environment, workers, and the inherent bioenergetic properties.
§  When mixed with water and heated with a source, it releases negative ions to make a healthy environment.

The Himalayan crystal salt is a complete package for the optimized health and well-being. Because this salt is unpolluted, pure, natural, and it has all the necessary elements of the human body, this salt is said to be the king’s salt and it should be a perfect replacement for your refined salts that you might be using in your kitchen.


The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.


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  2. All of these facts makes me regret buying a Himalayan rock salt lamp less! Good decision and I thank you for that. I want to share a company who helps me with keeping my health in check. "Himalayan Rock Salts". They have rock salt lamps that, in particular, makes me feel relaxed especially in meditation. Once again, thanks!
