Monday 18 July 2016

Quick View into the History of Himalayan Pink Salt:

Salt is an important element of the human body and is considered as a vital element of our food and daily cooking.  Salt is considered much important for human body. It is necessary for performing various human body functions. Salt is categorized into two main categories depending upon their effects on human body. Good salt and the bad salt. Good salt is the one which renders the least harm to the human body and is rich in minerals: bad salt is the one which is chemically processed and is devoid of all the mineral chemicals necessary for the human body. In search of god salt once I met a chef who used the pink salt in his recipes. When I inquired the reason of using the Himalayan salt, I was amazed  by its health  benefits and quality analysis which the chef presented to me in an answer with a comparison to the ordinary salt we use in our cooking practices.

History of Mineral Salt:

The important discussion with the chef made me look into more about the Himalayan pink salt and its benefits. While looking into its origin I came to know that the salt is extracted from the base of ancient Himalayan Mountain range in Pakistan. This huge mountain range remained hidden under the sea for nearly 250 million years. With the passage of time as the sea dried up due to enormous pressure and heat  large crystal of pink Himalayan salt were formed that remained safe from the pollutant and impurities. besides . being secured under the sea for a long time the salt is the purest sea salt devoid  of  all the chemical additives that effect the human health. The pure salt is mined by hands of the miners and masons and is transported to different regions and localities for different uses.

Uses of Himalayan salt:

The Himalayan pink salt is naturally pink in color. Having  lots of benefits for human health.  It has detoxifying capabilities besides it is found curing many of the skin diseases and other body ailments. 

Mineral rich compounds:

The Himalayan salt is the most mineral dense salt available on the planet earth it is found to have more than 84 health beneficial minerals.

Detoxifies Your Body:

Salt and water work together to detoxify the body from the toxic materials. Himalayan pink salt is more efficient of all the available salts to detox the body from the harmful materials. 

Lowers the Blood Pressure:

Himalayan pink salt is proven to stimulate the better blood circulation. Besides, it is also proven to lower the blood pressure dramatically at the same time it is absorbed in the blood streams more efficiently and effectively.

Banishes the Sinus Issues and the Respiratory Conditions:

It is found great in removing the bacteria from the sinus and improves the respiratory conditions, inhaling of the pink salt in inhaler gives instant relief to asthma patients.

Relax the Muscles and Your Mind:

If you are feeling fatigued, foggy or stressed, then there might be a deficiency of salt and electrolytes in your body. This salt has a unique mineral composition and that allows it to get absorbed into the blood stream much more quickly and effectively and will replenish the mineral deficiency making one fell relief in muscle cramps and nervous fatigue.

Cure Severe and Minor Skin Ailments :

The mineral-rich pink salt is highly anti-bacterial mineral salt.  The salt kills the bacteria and is found more healing in curing the skin fungi and other serious and minor skin ailments.


The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.

Monday 25 April 2016

Tanigue Garlic Steak Recipe

Delicious and easy to cook fish recipe .sea food lovers’ favorite steaks recipe that can be cooked in just 15 minutes.  The Delicious recipe has the healthy nutritional composition of olives oil butter and fish that makes one enjoy the healthy food in the short span of time. Ideal recipe for the kids and adults both


2 tongue fish steak slices

2 tablespoon garlic paste

black pepper

liquid seasoning

half a lemon (or 2 calamansi)

olive oil

1 tablespoon salted butter, optional

Directions to Cook: 

Apply cracked pepper and Himalayan  pink salt on the both side of wish thoroughly. Squeeze half lemon on the fish stakes .pour few drops of seasoning liquid on the fish steaks. Now heat a skillet over medium heat . Pour three spoon of olive oil in the skillet now add the minced garlic in the olive oil and heat it till golden brownish. Add the fish steaks in the pan and sear it for 3 minutes, add butter in the skillet if need  heat the fish steak till your preferred done-ness  put the steaks on the serving plate with lemon wedge a. pour over the steaks the remaining garlic-oil-butter .  Serve the hot fish immediately

Monday 1 February 2016

Minimalistic Baking with Pink Salt

Minimalist baking is essential not only for its low cost and less hassle but also for saving time. Delicious cooking should not constitute the whole of your day. Such cooking and baking shortcuts should enhance your time management and also avoid frequent trips to gourmet per study what you pay for a single meal in a good restaurant should be enough to pay for whole week’s meal. But cooking or baking on a busy schedule is not an easy task. Let’s make it simple for you:


You will require the following ingredients for one serving. You will require working with quite a few dry ingredients in this recipe and it should work this way if you want to get that crispy edge. It’s mouthwatering and the crunch is so satisfying. The recipe comes together in about 1 hour, requires just 10 simple ingredients, and is vegan, gluten-free, naturally sweetened, and vegan butter-free!

The recipe is concentrated in coconut three ways, coconut milk, coconut oil and coconut flakes. This makes it rich in potassium and iron.

Other ingredients include


2 flax eggs (combination of flax meal and water)

2/3 cup shredded coconut

2 cups rolled oats

2/3 cup slivered toasted almonds

3 Tbsp. dried fruit (like blueberries, raisins or cranberries)

1 Tbsp. coconut sugar

1/4 tsp. Himalayan pink salt

1/4 cup Honey or Maple syrup

 3/4 cup coconut milk

1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil melted

For dressing (optional)

Coconut cream

Milk cream


Method for Baking:

1.      Preheat the oven and grease a deep dish with coconut oil or vegan butter.

2.      To make it egg vegan, prepare flax eggs in a mixing bowl by adding water in small steps until the right consistency is achieved.

3.      While the oven is just preheating and has not reached the required temperature just as yet, add shredded coconut in a bare dish and roast till its golden brown but watch carefully as it tends to burn quickly. Set aside

4.      In a large mixing bowl add all the dry ingredients for mixing like oats, slivered almonds, golden brown  toasted coconut (reserve half for serving), dry fruit, coconut sugar, and pink salt. Stir well to combine.

5.      Add honey or maple syrup with coconut milk to flax eggs and whisk together to form a consistency. While whisking, pour in the coconut oil and whisk thoroughly to combine during winter the coconut oil tends to form clumps while mixing. Heat up in the microwave oven to remove any lumps from the mixture.

6.      Pour the oatmeal mixture to the above combination and mix well. After whisking together pour into the prepared dish and bake for 30 minutes until the middle is firm. After that heat up the oven and bake for another 5 minutes to crisp the edges.

Serve with cream topping, fresh fruits or more maple syrup, Excellent for breakfast and as a substitute dessert.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Caramels with Himalayan Pink Salt

Do you like the salty caramel chocolates? Actually, there are many fans of the salty caramel chocolates, but after we have heard the negative effects of the common salt, we have started to think about avoiding the salt or salt products just to try and escape from the bad effects of the highly processed salts. Actually, most of the companies that are manufacturing the salty caramel chocolates are using the chemically altered salt and we know anything that is made using the chemically altered substance will have the negative impacts on the health. If we can have something that is made using the natural ingredients, then it will be super fine for the health and we can eat that without any doubt in our mind.
Fortunately for the salty caramel chocolate lovers, the manufacturers have started to use the Himalayan pink salt to make the delicious and salty caramel chocolates. Now, we can find these chocolates by the name of Himalayan pink sea salt caramels and this is something that is just great for the salty caramel chocolate lovers. Now, you can ask a question that how can I believe that Himalayan pink salt will not be responsible for bringing the same bad effects to the human health like the conventional table salt does? Let’s see how:

Himalayan pink salt: natural and mineral rich
Himalayan salt, the pink version of the salt is harvested from deep under the Himalayan Mountains where they are standing tall for over 250 million years with the proud. The companies are mining the pink version from there without the use of lesser compounds and only the wooden tools are used in the mining process where necessary. The pink version holds 84 highly beneficial minerals that are necessary for the human health and they are needed for the body to make its functions work appropriately. The scientists have found that the same minerals that are present in the Himalayan salt are the same that our body needs to maintain a healthy life.
Because of the characteristics and natural benefits of the pink salt, the manufacturers have recognized its importance and they are not altering it from its original status. Keeping it natural in its original state means that the human body is going to be injected with the 84 much needed minerals that the pink salt naturally holds. Because of the mineral composition and the purity of the pink version, this can regulate the irregular heartbeats, lower the high blood pressure, strengthen the bones, and it can even support libido. In fact, there is countless health benefits associated with the pink version and this is something amazing.

Actually, there are numerous other health benefits of Himalayan pink salt in your diet and that is why this salt is gaining so much popularity all around the world. For the salty caramel chocolates lovers, this is great news that they can now eat them without any doubt in their mind that was developing just because of the bad reputation of the traditional processed and refined salts.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Himalayan Pink Salt Nutrition Facts

You hear too much about the Himalayan pink salt – People say that it is the healthiest salt available on the earth. Why? Why is Himalayan pink salt vital for life and why it is claimed to be the healthiest available salt of the earth? The salt crystals that are mined from the mountains of Himalaya are perceived to be the king’s salt and there are the people that also call it as “white gold” or the “salt of life” because they think this salt has the strength and properties to ensure a healthy and active life.
When we are discussing the Himalayan pink salt, then you should understand that we are referring to only a single specific crystal salt, the one and only that is coming from the East Karakoram Range of the Himalayas located in Pakistan. This salt, because of its mineral dense nature and amazing health benefits is constantly a subject of the comprehensive medical research. If the salt is original Himalayan salt, then it would be more than sodium & chloride. If it is original, then it can be perceived as nourishment.
When we speak of pure salt and the way we scrutinize its properties, then we actually mean a salt only in its original state: wholesome, holistic, unaltered and natural salt as it has been crystallized in the earth for over 250 million years. Such salt should be perceived as an ocean of energy and according to a Roman writer, Plinius: The Himalayan salt is the most significant remedy for the mankind.

Difference between rock salt and Himalayan Crystal Salt:
The elements of the rock salt are not added into the crystal grid of salt, but they cling to the outside surface and the crevices of the crystalline structure. That is the basic difference between the rock salt and Himalayan crystal salt. A salt crystal will manifest the superior structure and because of its sublime form, the element will be biochemically available for the human cells as are the individual frequencies or the vibration patterns. The rock salt can be a cheap ion for the heavily processed table salt and you can call it a natural and wholesome product.
Biophysically and biochemically speaking, it will have only a little importance for our organism. The significant effects of the geometrical structure can only be received through the superior structure or order of the crystal and these elements can only be absorbed by our cells if they occur in an oral form. These elements will be transformed into a specific size, making them final, and enable them to pass through the cell walls in the human body only under the substantial pressure.

Why Himalayan Crystal Salt Got the Unique Health Benefits?
The pure and natural Himalayan salt is found under the enormous pressure of the great Himalayan Mountains for around 250 million years and because of that pressure, the salt is formed in the crystal form. The higher the pressure is the best the state of order will be within the crystalline structure. For humans, the salt is more than just a spice, but most people are unaware of this. The pink salt benefits are because of its natural state and the 84 minerals and bio-compounds that are found naturally in this salt. The importance of Himalayan salt can be recognized by keeping an eye on the elements of salt that exactly the same that the human body is comprised of.

Chemical content of Himalayan pink salt
There are exactly 84 minerals in the Himalayan salt that are:
lithium, hydrogen, boron, beryllium, nitrogen, carbon, fluoride, oxygen, magnesium, sodium, calcium, aluminium, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium, chloride, titanium, scandium, chromium, vanadium, iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, zinc, copper, germanium, gallium, selenium, arsenic, rubidium, bromine, yttrium, strontium, niobium, zirconium, ruthenium, molybdenum, palladium, rhodium, cadmium, silver, tin, indium, tellurium, antimony, caesium, iodine, lanthanum, barium, praseodymium, cerium, europium, samarium, terbium, gadolinium, holmium, dysprosium, thulium, erbium, lutetium, ytterbium, tantalum, hafnium, rhenium, tungsten, iridium, osmium, gold, platinum, thallium, mercury, bismuth, lead, astatine, polonium, radium, francium, thorium, actinium, uranium, protactinium, plutonium and neptunium.

Apart from the inert gases, all of the 84 minerals can be discovered from the Himalayan crystal salt. So, it is scientifically approved that the pink salt has got all the elements or minerals that are necessary and found in the human body. This salt is perceived to be holding all the natural elements that are needed for better human health.

From the Mountains of Himalaya to your kitchen!
The best supplier of the Himalayan crystal salt mines their salt from the deep down salt mines of the Himalayas. The purest and the almost transparent crystals with shades of pink looks like the uncut diamonds that are coming from a thin bottom layer of mine. 
The mining process of the Himalayan salt doesn’t involve the use of lesser compounds to ensure that salt will remain the same till it reaches the final consumer. The salt crystals that come in attractive pink colors are used to manufacture the ionizing salt lamps while the darker stones are used as the bathing salt. The salt stones are cut by the human hands in pieces of 20 to 60 grams each, and then they are washed in the brine and dried under the sun.

The Miracles of Pink Salt:
The original Himalayan salt is a real miracle and the science behind this salt offer great health benefits.
§       It has the highest mineral content with over 80 minerals and trace elements that are necessary to the overall  health and well-being.
§      It is pure and unpolluted without the environmental impact.
§       It can easily restore the alkaline and electrolyte balance of the body.
§     It is completely hand-mined with respect to nature, the environment, workers, and the inherent bioenergetic properties.
§  When mixed with water and heated with a source, it releases negative ions to make a healthy environment.

The Himalayan crystal salt is a complete package for the optimized health and well-being. Because this salt is unpolluted, pure, natural, and it has all the necessary elements of the human body, this salt is said to be the king’s salt and it should be a perfect replacement for your refined salts that you might be using in your kitchen.


The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.

Himalayan Pink Salt & Pink Salt Plates

You must be told by someone at the food store that Himalayan pink salt has got the great powers to support human body functions. It is with amazing mineral content and it doesn’t hold any sort of chemical in it that makes it a supreme choice for our edibles. You might also have heard about the pink plates that are widely recognized as the salt blocks. But have you ever tried to read about this salt version? There is a wealth of information available on the web about the pink version and its benefits. This is really fascinating and the perfect replacement for the highly processed salt.
Today, I am going to discuss some interesting facts about the pink version and the salt bricks to let you know why it has gained so much popularity all around the world.

History of pink salt:

Himalayan salt (pink version) is a kind of sea salt to some extent. Almost 250 million years ago, there was a sea right in place of the Himalayan Mountains, situated in the Punjab region of Pakistan. After the earth plates moved, the sea was covered with the Himalayan Mountains and under the immense pressure and heat of the Himalayan Mountains, formed the pink version with its rich mineral content. There are exactly 84 handy minerals composing the pink version. All are said to support the human body in a way.
Unlike the manufacturers of common table salt (refined or processed), the manufacturers of the pink version do it in a completely natural way. They mine it from the Himalayan Mountains without using any lesser compounds, cut it in a completely natural style and never pass it through any chemical process. The purpose behind is to keep it in its natural state that is why this salt is the healthiest form of salt.

Himalayan pink salt plates:

Due to the natural state and the great mineral composition of the pink version, the companies are using this salt version for the maximum benefits. They are using it to create different décor items like salt lamps, and they are also using it for the natural health remedies like the salt inhalers. Himalayan pink salt plates are a great addition to every single kitchen because they are the way to enrich your food with 84 super minerals that are found naturally in the pink version. Because of the fact that one can use salt blocks to cook or serve food on it, the minerals that are found within the crystals of the pink version will transfer to your meal easily.

The pink version has the countless advantages to the human health and it is said to support human body functions to work at their best. You can buy the pink salt as the replacement to the common table salt and you can also buy the perfect pink salt seasoning collection to enrich your recipes with natural flavor and taste. Whatever Himalayan salt product you are going to use, you should know that you are going to get benefit from the countless benefits that it offers.


The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.

Friday 11 September 2015

Himalayan Pink Salt Hold Up To All the Health Hype

According to the proponents – the Himalayan pinksalt is much more beneficial than the regular (processed salt) because of the reason that it contains the extra amount of minerals and nothing is wiped away like it does with the processed salt. Well, the pink hues are definitely making a splash on the tabletops all around the country. The Himalayan salt, that was once recognized as a niche purchase for the health nuts and foodies, the specialty seasoning is now definitely popping up on every store shelf. The proponents of this salt claim that this salt is not at all processed and it is additionally powered by the 84 minerals that really make it a healthier option.
Even there are the instances, where people are putting the pink salt crystals to the baths recognizing the fact that the minerals present in this salt are extremely beneficial for the human skin. This salt is also becoming increasingly popular in the spa circuit and you can witness a number of salt cave opening in almost every state. These sodium packed caves are coated walls to ceiling with the Himalayan salt and mounded inches deep on the floor. The visitors feel relaxed there and they even come with their kids and sit there for about 45 minutes.
The Truth!
The Himalayan pink salt holds up to all the healthy hype because it is a natural salt that is mined from a mine that is approximately 250 million years old and it is still far away from the impurities and pollution of our metropolitan areas. Additionally, the manufacturers never gets it through any sort of chemical process like the other do and it keeps all the essential and healthy minerals along with it to support the human body in several ways. Having the key minerals that can be so good for lowering the high blood pressure, regulating the circulation and preventing lots of health issues, this salt is just amazing to promote your health and wellness.
The Himalayan salt due to its health beneficial properties is now widely used for different reasons such as salt inhalation through the salt inhalers, natural air purifying objects such as salt lamps and the detoxification all around the world. It’s now recognized as the natural remedy for a number of health issues that also include asthma, sinus issues and the allergies that can be treated by using the health products made using the Himalayan salt.
The American Heart Association (AHA) has set the guidelines for the average American adults to consume approximately 1,500 mg of salt daily in their intake. However, you must not forget to replace the ordinary (processed salt) with the pink salt, if you want to maintain a good health and live an active, healthier and disease free life. The Himalayan salt is easily available in almost every store near you and it is gaining popularity all around the world because of its health friendly properties and the special features to prevent a number of health issues that might affect your health.


The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.